In New Jersey, there are several ordinances related to bamboo, which are intended to regulate the planting and control of bamboo to prevent it from becoming a nuisance or invasive species.
- Running bamboo: The New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team recommends that property owners do not plant running bamboo (e.g. Phyllostachys species) at all, because it is highly invasive and difficult to control. Some municipalities have outright bans on planting running bamboo.

- Clumping bamboo: Clumping bamboo (Bambusa, Fargesia and other non-running species) is less invasive than running bamboo and is permitted in some municipalities. However, it is still important to ensure that the bamboo is planted in a contained area and not allowed to spread onto neighboring properties.

- Control of bamboo: Property owners are responsible for controlling bamboo that they have planted on their property to prevent it from becoming a nuisance to neighbors. Bamboo must be contained within a reasonable area and not allowed to spread uncontrollably. If bamboo from one property spreads onto a neighboring property and causes damage, the owner of the bamboo may be held liable for any damage caused.
- Reporting invasive species: The New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team encourages residents to report any sightings of invasive species, including bamboo, to help prevent their spread.
It’s worth noting that bamboo ordinances can vary by municipality, so it’s important to check with your local government to determine the specific rules and regulations that apply in your area.