Stay Safe

These are troubling and uncertain times for not just us in New Jersey but for all Americans and for all those around the globe. This is a time for all of us to come together for community and support. To help each other through the tough times. Social gathering can wait, combating this coronavirus cannot. Please stay safe, stay in if possible. We all have a personal responsibility to our communities and neighbors to do so. Follow the directions of the CDC.

As we adapt to the unprecedented challenges posed by the quickly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we want to assure you that we continue to take steps to ensure we are operating safely. Our top priority has always and will always be the health and safety of our employees, families, customers and our community.

We will continue to assess the situation daily and take cautionary action to maintain business continuity while focusing on the safety and health of our customers and employees. We are still in full operation and still working in a safe manner. In repose to these extraordinary times we have implemented the following:

• We are working to maintain service and relationships while minimizing personal contact as many of our customers are doing.
• We are practicing social distancing during out contacts such as conducting estimates.
• We are refraining from all physical contact such as handshakes.
• We are following the advice and guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other government agencies at all levels including recommended social distancing.
• We have technology in place to help them maintain our business operations including servicing our customers.
• For all operations, we have implemented additional safety protocols such as additional cleaning and disinfecting measures.
• We are in regular communication with our employees to keep them informed of protective measures, operating guidance and the protocol to follow if they develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

We will maintain these protective measures, and adjust or increase them as needed, until it is safe to resume normal operations. We hope our efforts do not cause you undue disruption when you interact with us and that you understand why we are being aggressive in doing our part to contain the spread of this virus.

We want to also take this time to especially thank our first responders, doctors and nurses. You are all underappreciated. Every day you get up and go face this troublesome reality hands-on. Thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for putting yourselves on the front line to protect and saves countless lives.

For all Americans from our families to yours, please stay safe. Take all the precautions you can. Together we will get through this and in the end, we will stand stronger.

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